Sunday 29 May 2016

Because Brick is My Choice

Handmade bricks used to be very commonly used throughout the UK. The process involves putting the clay, water and additives into a large pit where it is all mixed together by a tempering wheel generally still powered by horse power. Once the mixture is of the correct consistency, the clay is removed and pressed into moulds by hand. To prevent the brick from sticking to the mould, the brick is coated in either sand or water. Named ‘slop moulding’ when dipped in water and ‘sand struck’ when coated in sand. Coating the brick with sand however gives an overall better finish to the brick. Once shaped, the bricks are laid outside to dry by air and sun where they will be drying for three to four days. After this process the bricks are then transferred to the kiln for burning. If green bricks are left outside for the drying process and are left out during a shower; the water leaves an indentation of the brick is considered very undesirable. However this does not affect the strength properties of the bricks. Bricks are now more generally made by large scale manufacturing processes using machinery. This is a large scale effort and produces bricks which have been burned in patent kilns. There are three different types of manufacturing process for machine made bricks - the soft mud process, the stiff mud process and the dry clay process for which machines are specifically designed.
The ‘Soft mud ‘process is similar to that of handmade bricks. In the Soft Mud process that clay contains too much water to be extruded as the clay is left to soak in water for 24 hours. For this process three pits are usually in operation at any one time to keep the production flowing. Occasionally the clay is worked in a pug mill before being thrown into the machine. Due to the 20% water content of the clay, wooden moulds are generally used and are lined with either oil or sand to stop the clay sticking. After being drawn from the machine the filled moulds are emptied by hand and the bricks taken to the dry shed. So the soft mud bricks can be dried properly, both handmade soft mud bricks and machine made (more mass produced) bricks will both be placed in a large dryer which is separate from the extrusion dryer.
The ‘Stiff mud’ process differs because only enough water to create plasticity is added to the clay, approximately 12% water. Clay is then extruded through a ‘die’ to produce a long stream of pressed clay which is then cut to size by the machine. The die sizes and cutter wire are calculated to compensate for the shrinkage of the brick during drying and firing. Attachments can also be added to the die which gives the brick its texture from brush, roll, and scratch to roughen. Green bricks are then dried out carefully to ensure a consistent colour and strength. Because Soft Mud bricks have been created under little or no pressure, their density is not as great as that of Stiff Mud bricks. It has been argued that when Soft Mud bricks have been made and burned properly they are possibly the most durable brick. However Stiff mud bricks can have defects or planes of separation which can affect the bricks durability. However as Stiff Mud bricks are becoming increasingly cheaper to produce these are becoming the more popular.
The ‘Repressing’ of a brick is to re-shape the brick or round of any corners dependent on specification. Both types of soft mud and stiff mud bricks can be repressed when they are only partially dried. This is done by placing the bricks in metal moulds and putting them under great pressure before burning. Pressed bricks however are machine moulded bricks where the clay being used is already nearly dry. This process can make a significant difference on the appearance of the bricks. Bricks made using this process generally are more difficult to compress. Dry pressed bricks however are now commonly used for face bricks. Pressed bricks generally mean dry pressed bricks, but many face bricks are made by repressing soft mud bricks.
Cement’ bricks made from Portland cement, these bricks are machine moulded into size and shape to match the size of clay bricks. These are extensively used in some regions.
Hollow, Terracotta or Tile’. This type of product can made into practically and size or shape for any kind of use. Blocks made of terra-cotta are light and durable. For use in partitions the terra-cotta is mixed with sawdust which burns off in the kiln, but creates a more porous brick. Terra-cotta can be glazed or unglazed.
Facing Bricks Types of:-
Facing bricks are uniform in colour and shape and can now be made to any almost any specification, texture, colour and size.
Wirecut extruded bricks. For this type of brick the clay is extruded and cut by wore into individual bricks. This is a very cost effective way of producing bricks and is done by an automated production process. These bricks are readily available in a variety of styles and colours.
Stock bricks; are usually slightly more expensive than wirecut Bricks. These are a soft mud brick which are sometimes irregular in shape.
Handmade bricks; as previously discussed above, handmade bricks are very desirable and individual in shape and colour. This brick is one of the most expensive sorts of brick.
Fletton or London Brick; is a brick made from clay extracted from the south east of England which contains traces of oil which is burnt off during the burning process in the kiln.
Arch and Clinker bricks This term is used for bricks which are burned immediately. They are over burnt and sometimes distorted in shape. Body, Cherry and/or hard bricks. These bricks are of a higher quality and are generally the bricks that were in the centre of the pile of bricks which have been burned. These bricks are top bricks as they have a higher overall quality and finish. Cherry is used as a term when the clay which has been used burns red.
Salmon, Pale or Soft bricks. These are the bricks which were nearer to the outside of the kiln during burning which means they are slightly under burnt. These bricks are generally softer than the bricks taken from the centre of the kiln are therefore are of a lesser quality, although this does not affect the overall shape of the brick. These bricks are generally used for the interior of walls.
Waterstruck Brick This type of brick is a soft mud moulded brick. It uses alluvial clay which deposited at the end of the last ice age. The clay is pressed into mould lined with silicate. When the bricks are removed from their mould, they are left with a textured effect which can only be achieved using this method. This type of brick looks old and handmade even when new.
Engineering Bricks Engineering bricks are called so due to their overall strength and water absorption. The Class A brick has strength of 125N/mm² and water absorption of less than 4.5%. Class B engineering bricks have a strength greater than 75N/mm² and water absorption of less than 7%. Traditionally used in civil engineering, these bricks are also useful for damp courses and structural design.
Bullnose Bricks These special bricks are used when round edges are needed, for gate recesses, quadrants or arches.
Off Shades or Seconds or ATR or Random Quality. These are batches of bricks which are generally consistent in colour but do not match the product which is marketed.

ADABOTO with High Quality Brick

Bricks are more commonly used in the construction of buildings than any other material except wood. Brick and terracotta architecture is dominant within its field and a great industry has developed and invested in the manufacture of many different types of bricks of all shapes and colours. With modern machinery, earth moving equipment, powerful electric motors and modern tunnel kilns, making bricks has become much more productive and efficient. Bricks can be made from variety of materials the most common being clay but also calcium silicate and concrete. With clay bricks being the more popular, they are now manufactured using three processes soft mud, dry press and extruded. Also during 2007 the new ‘fly ash’ brick was created using the by-products from coal power plants.
Good quality bricks have a major advantage over stone as they are reliable, weather resistant and can tolerate acids, pollution and fire. Bricks can be made to any specification in colour, size and shape which makes bricks easier to build with than stone. Brickwork is also much cheaper than cut stone work. However there are some bricks which are more porous and therefore more susceptible to dampness when exposed to water. For best results in any construction work, the correct brick must be chosen in accordance with the job specifications.

Brick of ADABOTO, Why Brick?

Building bricks are a mixture of clay and sand which is mixed with water to create the correct consistency. Sometimes the bricks also have added lime, ash or organic matter which speeds up the burning of the brick. The clay mixture is then formed in moulds to the desired specification ready to be dried then burnt in the kiln. Clay: The properties and quality of bricks depend on the type of clay used. The most common form of clay used for everyday bricks, is that with a sandy consistency, silicate or alumina, which usually contains small quantities of lime or iron oxide. Silica, when added to pure clay in the form of sand, prevents cracking, shrinking and warping. If there is a large proportion of sand used in the mixture the brick will be more textured and shapely. An excess of sand, however, renders the bricks too brittle and destroys cohesion. 25% of silica is said to be advantageous. Iron oxide in the clay enables the silica and alumina to fuse and adds considerably to the hardness and strength of the bricks. The iron content of the brick is evident in the colour of the brick and can be used to add the colour red into the bricks. However a clay which burns to a red colour will provide a stronger brick than clay which burns to a white or yellow brick. The lime content in a brick has two different effects. It stops the raw brick from shrinking and drying out, and it also acts as a flux during burning which causes the silica to melt and creates the bond which binds all the components of the brick together. However, too much lime can cause the brick to melt and loose shape. Any amount of quicklime within a brick is detrimental to its quality and can cause the brick to split into pieces. For the best qualities of pressed brick the clay is carefully selected both colour and composition. Clay from different sources is also often mixed together to create the desired mixture.

Brick of ADABOTO is a High Quality Brick

Bricks are more commonly used in the construction of buildings than any other material except wood. Brick and terracotta architecture is dominant within its field and a great industry has developed and invested in the manufacture of many different types of bricks of all shapes and colours. With modern machinery, earth moving equipment, powerful electric motors and modern tunnel kilns, making bricks has become much more productive and efficient. Bricks can be made from variety of materials the most common being clay but also calcium silicate and concrete. With clay bricks being the more popular, they are now manufactured using three processes soft mud, dry press and extruded. Also during 2007 the new ‘fly ash’ brick was created using the by-products from coal power plants.
Good quality bricks have a major advantage over stone as they are reliable, weather resistant and can tolerate acids, pollution and fire. Bricks can be made to any specification in colour, size and shape which makes bricks easier to build with than stone. Brickwork is also much cheaper than cut stone work. However there are some bricks which are more porous and therefore more susceptible to dampness when exposed to water. For best results in any construction work, the correct brick must be chosen in accordance with the job specifications.

ADABOTO, Jual Beli Bata Merah Semarang

Bricks are one of the oldest known building materials dating back to 7000BC where they were first found in southern Turkey and around Jericho. The first bricks were sun dried mud bricks. Fired bricks were found to be more resistant to harsher weather conditions, which made them a much more reliable brick for use in permanent buildings, where mud bricks would not have been sufficient. Fired brick were also useful for absorbing any heat generated throughout the day, then releasing it at night
The Ancient Egyptians also used sun dried mud bricks as building materials, evidence of which can still be seen today at ruins such as Harappa Buhen and Mohenjo-daro. Paintings on the tomb walls of Thebes portray slaves mixing, tempering and carrying clay for the sun dried bricks. These bricks also consisted of a 4:2:1 ratio which enabled them to be laid more easily.
The Romans further distinguished those which had been dried by the sun and air and those bricks which were burnt in a kiln. Preferring to make their bricks in the spring, the Romans held on to their bricks for 2 years before they were used or sold. They only used clay which was whitish or red for their bricks.
Using mobile kilns, the Romans were successful in introducing kiln fired bricks to the whole of the Roman Empire. The bricks were then stamped with the mark of the legion who supervised the brick production. These bricks differed from other ancient bricks in size and shape. Roman bricks were more commonly round, square, oblong, triangular or rectangular. The kiln fired bricks were generally 1 or 2 Roman foot by 1 Roman foot, but with some larger bricks at up to 3 Roman feet. The Romans preferred this type of brick making during the first century of their civilisation and used the bricks for public and private buildings all over the empire.
The Greeks also considered perpendicular brick walls more durable than stone walls and used them for public edifices. They also realised how the modern brick was less susceptible to erosion than the old marble walls.
During the 12th century bricks were reintroduced to northern Germany from northern Italy. This created the brick gothic period which was a reduced style of Gothic architecture previously very common in northern Europe. The buildings around this time were mainly built from fired red clay bricks. Brick Gothic style buildings can be found in the Baltic countries Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and Russia. The brick gothic period can be categorized by the lack of figural architectural sculptures which had previously been carved in stone. The Gothic figures were impossible to create out of bulky bricks at that time, but could be identified by the use of split courses of bricks in varying colours, red bricks, glazed bricks and white lime plaster. Eventually special shaped bricks were introduced which would imitate the architectural sculptures.
During the renaissance and Baroque periods, exposed brick walls became unpopular and brickwork was generally covered by plaster. Only during the mid 18th century did visible brick walls again regain some popularity.

Jual Beli Batu Bata Merah ADABOTO, Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung

Bata merah merupakan salah satu jenis bahan dasar pembangunan rumah yang sudah sangat umum digunakan di Indonesia, dari zaman dulu hingga zaman modern seperti saat ini bata merah memang sudah menjadi salah satu bahan wajib di dalam membangun rumah. Cukup bisa dimaklumi, bata merah masih lebih banyak digunakan daripada bata ringan atau batako press, karena selain sudah teruji kekuatannya, mendapatkan jenis material ini pun tidak susah.
Bata merah yang dimaksud adalah bata yang dibuat dari tanah yang dicetak kemudian dibakar dengan suhu tinggi sehingga menjadi benar-benar kering, mengeras dan berwarna kemerah-merahan. Tanah yang digunakan pun bukanlah sembarang tanah, tapi tanah yang agak liat sehingga bisa menyatu saat proses pencetakan. Karena itulah, rumah yang dindingnya dibangun dari material bata merah akan terasa lebih nyaman dan adem. Selain lebih kuat dan kokoh serta tahan lama, sehingga jarang sekali terjadi keretakan dinding yang dibangun dari material bata merah. Selain itu Material ini sangat tahan terhadap panas sehingga dapat menjadi perlindungan tersendiri bagi bangunan Anda dari bahaya api.
  • Batu bata merah dibuat dari tanah liat yang dicetak, kemudian dibakar. Tidak semua tanah lihat bisa digunakan. Hanya yang terdiri dari kandungan pasir tertentu.
  • Umumnya memiliki ukuran: panjang 17–23 cm, lebar 7–11 cm, tebal 3–5 cm.
  • Berat rata-rata 3 kg/biji (tergantung merek dan daerah asal pembuatannya).
  • Bahan baku yang dibutuhkan untuk pasangan dinding bata merah adalah semen dan pasir ayakan. Untuk dinding kedap air diperlukan campuran 1:2 atau 1:3 (artinya, 1 takaran semen dipadu dengan 3 takaran pasir yang sudah diayak). Untuk dinding yang tidak harus kedap air, dapat digunakan perbandingan 1:4 hingga 1:6.

Jual Batu Bata Merah, #ADABOTO, Bata press, Bata Ekspose Kota dan Kabupaten Blitar

Batu bata merupakan salah satu bahan material sebagai bahan pembuat dinding. Batu bata terbuat dari tanah liat yang dibakar sampai berwarna kemerah merahan. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, penggunaan batu bata semakin menurun. Munculnya material-material baru seperti gipsum, bambu yang telah diolah, cenderung lebih dipilih karena memiliki harga lebih murah dan secara arsitektur lebih indah.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

What is a Brick? Moonacre Brick

brick is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction. Traditionally, the term brick referred to a unit composed of clay, but it is now used to denote any rectangular units laid in mortar. A brick can be composed of clay-bearing soil, sand and lime, or concrete materials. Bricks are produced in numerous classes, types, materials, and sizes which vary with region and time period, and are produced in bulk quantities. Two basic categories of bricks are fired and non-fired bricks.
Block is a similar term referring to a rectangular building unit composed of similar materials, but is usually larger than a brick. Lightweight bricks (also called "lightweight blocks") are made from expanded clay aggregate.
Fired bricks are one of the longest-lasting and strongest building materials, sometimes referred to as artificial stone, and have been used since circa 5000 BC. Air-dried bricks, also known as mudbricks, have a history older than fired bricks, and have an additional ingredient of a mechanical binder such as straw.
Bricks are laid in courses and numerous patterns known as bonds, collectively known as brickwork, and may be laid in various kinds ofmortar to hold the bricks together to make a durable structure.

Why Brick?

 Because genuine clay brick is made from natural materials.
                Brick made from clay and shale-some of most abundant, natural materials on earth-and then fired through a kiln at up to 2000 degrees. The reason the brick turn into such a durable material is that the clay/shale unit actually goes through a vitrification process in the kiln, which enables the clay particles to fuse together.
                Many people may confuse clay brick with “brick” made from other materials. For example, concrete units rely on a cement paste to bond the materials together. Moreover, concrete units inherently a grayish color, which means that users must inject  color pigments before the setting process and use color sealant afterwards to have a color affect. 

ADABOTO, Incubator Bisnis Center of Blitar Brick

Indonesia is one of the biggest brick producing countries in this world. However brick farmer in Indonesia has low value creation and employment from downstream manufacturing of brick.

Hello Brick by ADABOTO

Today, clay brick has proven its contributing role in green building and sustainabledesign. Having  been used as a building material for thousand of years, brick is made primarily from clay and shale, two of the most abundant natural resources. Brick also contributes to sustainable design through its long life span, energy effiency, durability, recycled content, local availability, acoustic insulation, low construction waste, and potential for reuse. Finally, modern brick manufaturing incorporates many sustainable practices of its own and has captured great production efficiencies that reduce its environmental impact.
Today, many architects, builders, homeowners,, designers and city planners prefer clay brick pavers over other surface because of their superior color retention, unmatched durability, strength,design options, and low maintenace. For homeowners, clay pavers can be transform garden pathways, driveways, and pations.

For larger hardscape projects, today’s flexible paving systems are an ideal surface for adding warmth, elegance and smoothness to sidewalks, pations, plazas and roadways that handle vehicular traffic. Genuine clay brick is also environmentally-friend and an excellent long term value.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Batu Bata Bisa Jadi Mercedes-Benz, SLK by Day Yun

 Day Yun,  seniman asal Tiongkok  berhasil membuat Mercedes dari Batu Bata. 
Saat dilansir Autoevolution, atas hasil kerja kerasnya selama ini pahatan Mercedes Benz SLK-Class hasil karya Day Yun ini dipajang pada Red Town Creative Park di Shanghai. Day Yun membuat mahakarya Mercedes-Benz SLK ini dari bata merah, semen, baja, serta bahan lainnya yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat sebuah bangunan.

Selain itu, detail patung Mercy yang dikerjakan juga cukup rumit, mencakup kursi interior, setir dan tuas porsneling. Bukan hanya menggunakan bata merah, Day Yun juga menggunakan bahan-bahan lain untuk membuat Mercedes-Benz pahatannya tampil sempurna, yakni semen untuk merekatkan bata dan baja untuk membangun struktur SLK buah tangannya.

Membuat mobil dari bata, bukanlah yang pertama kali bagi Day Yun. Sebelumnya, pada tahun 2011 lalu, ia pernah membangun replika BMW yang membutuhkan batu bata seberat 6,5 ton.